
Equality objectives

Equality objectives: 
Objective 1: To help children to fulfil their full potential, by supporting families and focusing support on improving the lives of the most vulnerable children.
  • We aim to support families with children who have poor attendance as this is a key barrier to progress and future opportunity.
  • We will monitor the use of seclusion/exclusion for different groups, including those groups with a disproportionately high rate of exclusion.
  • We aim to prevent and tackle the bullying of children and young people, particularly prejudice based racist, sexist and homophobic bullying.
Objective 2: To Implement Relationships and Sex Education programme for Catholic Schools in order to promote a positive and healthy understanding of human relationships in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church in conjunction with the Plymouth Diocesan Education Service.
Objective 3: To ensure that staff recruitment and reporting procedures comply with the Equality Act and UK Government requirements, e.g. gender pay gap and ethnicity pay gap reporting and that all staff are aware of and follow the school’s Equality Policy. We will foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. This will be measured by reviewing the policy on a timely basis, effective staff induction and on-going CPD.